10 Health Secret About Watermelons You Don’t Know Exist

10 Health Secret About Watermelon You Don’t Know Exist 

10 health secrets about watermelons you don’t know exist

Most food are specifically fun to enjoy do to it’s numerous health benefits or sweetness nature – and watermelon is exactly one of them. Having known that watermelon refreshes your body on hot summer days, you should as well know that watermelon contains some of the most powerful antioxidants in nature that is health beneficial. Health benefit of watermelon

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Watermelon is generally one of the major source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A as well, particularly through its concentration of beta-carotene.

Vitamins A and C are antioxidants that can easily reduce your risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Vitamin A extremely reach in eye problems, It helps to keep your eye in good condition. As for vitamin C, it protect and keep your skin in good health condition and prevent skin from bruising; helps heal cuts and keeps gums healthy. Foods that contain vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Watermelon also provides potassium and magnesium. Potassium helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and magnesium help build and maintain strong bones through it high sugary content.

Watermelon promote better health, better life and helps the body during digestion processes. It is one of the most beneficial body-healing fruits. The health secret about watermelon that people are yet to discover is too numerous to mention but will definitely talk about them. It protect every activities from brain functioning to the cells in your feet. Watermelon is incredibly hydrating (up to 95% water!) and is naturally low-fat. Benefits include improving cardiovascular health, nourishing your eyes, revving up your immune system, helps your body during digestion processes. We are entering summer, the best time to indulge in this juicy melon that delivers an array of nutrients, vitamin and minerals. During summer, watermelons play a very important roles, it helps in refreshing the body and helps the hormones in the body to be very active.

Watermelon is the only fruit that contains higher concentrations of lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and several types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Many health professionals have come up with the idea that watermelons helps in detoxification which is a form of intervention aimed at managing acute intoxication and withdrawal. Let’s look at the various uses of watermelons

Advantages of eating watermelons

Watermelon has the following advantages

a. Watermelon Helps to prevent asthma

b. Detoxification: watermelons to some extent helps in managing acute intoxication of either alcohol or excess intake of drugs.

c. During summer, watermelons works greatly to fight against heat.

d. It refreshes the skin and keep the body in good condition. That’s it makes the skin glowing and healthy.

e. Watermelons helps in hydrating the body

f. It helps to fight some infections diseases (vitamins that watermelon contain, helps to fight some diseases and keeps the body far from infection)

g. It helps protect the heart and keeps it in good condition. The consumption of watermelon plays an important roles when it comes to the heart this because watermelon is an antioxidant that helps keep the heart, bones far away from cancer ( vitamin A).

h. Lastly, the consumption of watermelon is highly beneficial in preventing specific health issues. However, we recommend you to take the consumption of watermelons and other related fruit serious.

We shall be discussing the 15 health secrets about watermelons you don’t know exist.

10 health secrets about watermelons you don’t know exist.

1. Watermelon helps to prevent scurvy: Watermelon is very well-known as been among the fruit that helps to prevent scurvy, the disease which is caused from a deficiency of vitamin-C. It is characterized by frequent infections that show as normal cold symptoms, cracked lips and lip corners, ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth. Since its cause is a deficiency of vitamin-C, its remedy is none other than vitamin-C, and watermelon is full of this essential vitamin.10 health secrets about watermelons you don’t know exist

2. It helps to fight against Skin diseases: Watermelon juice and its natural seed oils are very beneficial for skin when used orally or applied externally. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections and reduces body odour due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin-C and A it contain in excess. Those are both class-1 anti oxidants, and have antibiotic and disinfectant properties. When applied externally on skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cures dandruff, rashes, and bruises.

3. It helps in easy digestion of food: Watermelon contain excess water and this plenty water aids in quick digestion. The natural vitamins in watermelons also plays an important role in digestion of food. While they break down of the macro molecules of the food, the Flavonoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from watermelon seed, stimulate the digestive system and increase secretion of digestive juices, and biles. This flood of flavonoids also stimulates the peristaltic motion.

4. Prevent Constipation:  Naturally, the ample amount of water present in watermelons helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts, just as some acids are used to clean floors and toilets. The amount of acid in watermelons is also helpful in easing constipation, but the most beneficial element is the high acidity.

5. Watermelons helps to prevent Arthritis: One of the many causes of arthritis is an excess of uric acid that builds up in the body. Uric acid is one of the waste products that normal urination will clear out of the body, but unfortunately, when too much builds up, it can make the pain and inflammation from arthritis even worse. The citric acid found in watermelon and other citrus  fruits like pineapple is a solvent in which uric acid can dissolve, increasing the amounts that are eliminated in the urine. Citrus fruits in general have anti-inflammatory properties, and can be used for a number of inflammation issues.

6. Watermelon helps to improves Eye Health: Watermelon is a very good source of beta-carotene (that rich red hue of watermelon = beta carotene) which is converted in the body to vitamin A. It helps produce the pigments in the retina of the eye and protects against age-related macular degeneration as well as prevents night blindness. Vitamin A also maintains healthy skin, teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, and mucus membranes.

7. Heart disease: That same soluble fibre which can help diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels can also lower blood pressure and eliminate the presence of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol). Furthermore, soluble fibre can cut down on inflammation of the blood vessels, which is a known preventative measure against heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

8. Watermelons to an extent helps to prevent Peptic ulcer: In addition to vitamin-C, lime contains special compounds called Flavonoids (Limonoids such as Limonin Glucoside) which have antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic and detoxifying properties that stimulate the healing process of peptic and oral ulcers.
Respiratory disorders:

The flavonoid-rich oil that is extracted from limes is extensively used in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vapourizers, and inhalers due to the presence of Kaempferol. Just scratching the peel of a lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief for congestion and nausea.

9. Very essential in fever control: Watermelons and other citrus fruits in general have fever-reducing qualities, and if the fever is very high, the patient’s diet should be restricted to watermelon juice and water.

However, if the fever is mild to moderate, other fruit juices, particularly citrus juices like lime juice, can be administered in order to bring the fever back a manageable level. Vitamin-C, found in high concentrations in citrus fruits, naturally lowers the temperature of the body.

10. It helps in Detoxification: Watermelons helps reduce body reaction of a patient who’s intoxicated from the consumption of a particular substance.

Frequently Asked Questions about the 10 secret about watermelon you don’t know exist.

1. Can I give watermelons to my kid during cold and fever?
Fruits containing vitamin C may be helpful for children with cold and fever. Watermelons contain vitamin C and antioxidants that may be beneficial for your child. Watermelons also help maintain hydration which is important when having a cold or fever (2) (7) (8).

2. Should I take watermelons after eating or when am very hungry? 
Yes! watermelons contain vitamin-A and C which is energy. So when you’re hungry, watermelons gives the energy to remain fit. You can as well consume watermelons after eating this helps ease digestion.

3. How much fruit should a child eat in a day?
Children between two and three years should eat one cup of fruit, those between four and eight years should eat one or one-and-a-half cups of fruit, and children aged nine to 13 should eat one and a half cups each day (4).

10 health secrets about watermelons you don’t know exist

4. Does eating watermelon at night increase the weight of kids?
90% of a watermelon’s weight is water; therefore, snacking on watermelon can keep one full for longer. Balanced consumption of watermelon, even at night, won’t lead to weight gain (5) (6).

5. Do I need doctors recommendation before I’ll eat my watermelons?

No! you don’t actually need a recommendation from anybody to consume your watermelons. So far your body is okay with it.


Watermelons for kids are a healthy snack option for summers. The fruit is hydrating and tastes delicious. It primarily contains water and is highly nutritious.

Consuming watermelon is extremely very beneficial in preventing specific health issues such as asthma eye diseases, and blood pressure.

Also, it leaves glowing and healthy skin as it hydrates and boosts energy. You may try making it a habit for your child to eat watermelon and other seasonal fruits, as their nutrition is paramount to the body.